
English Language Challenges

  Answering the first question I would say my experience learning english at the university has been very short for the reason that I had only to course the last level of english, so speaking only about this last semester I would say that it has been a very easygoing experience because I felt really comfortable during the class hours. I was lucky to have a good teacher by the time I was in school so nowdays I have the basis I currently have, which I don't think is that bad, so writing with the blogs and talking during the class exercises weren't that difficult. One thing I have to comment for sure is that it was a little complicated to retake the grammar rules and a little bit the pronunciation since the last time I spoke in English was almost five years ago when I graduated from school, so I didn't have a really conversation since then. That same feeling happend with the blogs and the writing, because I hadn't have a situation where I had to write more than 200 words,

Changes to my study programme

Before I entered to study architecture I studied two years civil construction in another university in which I learned differente kind of things related to construction, planning projects, urban rules, technology of materials, among other subjects that I think would be really positive to have notions about to improve the professional life as an architect. During this three years studying architecture I will say I still have problems deciding about which materials I would use for a specific kind of project I'm working on. So it will be nice to have one subject that teach you about all the options you have in terms of materials and which is more indicated to build and design a particular kind of structure, which is the most economic or the most environmental friendly. Another thing that would be very useful would be a subject that teach only about digital programs to help develop future projects and its representation. Since from the second year you start to work only through digital


  Writing about food I think it will be a easy thing to do, because there are so much food that a like to eat, but I will defenitely write about something specific, which is the lassagna that my mom makes. I really love all kind of lassagnas, I even would say that I haven't taste a lassagna I didn't enjoy, but I have to say that my favourite one by far is the one homemade by my mother. I think one of the main reasons I'm writing about this it is explained by the typical saying "there is nothing like the food your mom makes". I remember tasting for the first time a lassagna in a restaurant when I was very little and told my mother that a wanted to have that food again so she made one a few weeks later and tasted even better than I remembered. Since then, I always ask my mother every then in a while to cook a Lassagna for me but only in few ocassions she takes the time to make one, so I only eat my favourite food when my mother have spare time to cook one, which is

My future Job

  I don't know exactly what my future job would be, but I'm hoping it will be something related with what I'm currently studying, architecture. It will be really nice if the job I'm applying in the future would have most of the work hours in the outside, however one thing I enjoy very much doing today, and which doesn't have very much to do in the outside, is working on digital representation of different kind of projects. I would really like to work in an archtecture office and have at least some part of my job doing digital images and finding ways to represent the porjects I will be working on my future job. Despite the fact of being a task that takes most of the time working in front of a computer indoors it will be nice to travel and having as a background different places and cultures  that will help me for refferences to design and make the projects I'll work on.  About the salary, I really don't think about an exact number, but even so hoping that wou


  It's hard for me to pick one band/group or artist and call it my favorite, for the reason that there are many that I have listen to, that choosing just one leaves aside so many others I would like to write about. However I think I'll write in this blog about an artist and one song from another group that is very different comparing the style from the first artist I'll write about.  The artist I'm talking about is Silvio Rodriguez. I write about this great artist because since I remember I have been listening to his music and which I enjoy very much till today. One of the many reasons I like this artist and his songs is for the feelings and memories that comes to my mind when I hear him sing, specially one of his disc called "Dias y Flores". Every time I listen this disc it takes me back when me and my family went for holidays to the beach in Algorrobo and every summer no matter what my mom put her cassette in the radio and we hear, most every day, the same s

A documentary and a serie I recommend

  Series and a documentary I recommend Thinking about this topic I think I will defenitely describe myself as frequent watcher of series and TV shows, I have really spend a lot of hours in front of a screen watching whatever I like in the moment, mostly series than movies actually. I know I have to choose only one or maybe two series but I will mention some of my favorites series and TV shows I watched before anyways. Defenitely among my top 3 series I had watch and enjoy the most watching are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Dark and lately I have been watching "The Office" which I have found very funny and entertaining. Other things I love to watch and can sit down and watch an entire season in only one day are these TV shows of competitions of any kind, my favorites so far are a TV show of tatoos called "Ink Masters" with a lot of seasons, another competition called "Blown Away" which is about creating things in glass, there's one about cloths design


  Autobiography For this part of the blog I will write a little bit about myself, my name is Bruno Arce, I'm 23 years old and I was born the 25 of March in 1998 here in Santiago, Chile. I have spend all my life living here in Santiago and currently living in Peñalolén with my family. My parents are named Carlos and Sandra and I have two brothers, Gabriel who has 21 years old and is studying geogoly at the time, my other brother is older named the same way as my dad, Carlos, he is 27 years old and he finished his studies the last year so right now he's civil engineer in mines.  I remember when I was less than ten years old moving out from the houses where we were living very often, that stoped when my family and I had to move out to the house of my grandmother due to economic reasons. I lived there till I was 12 and where I have very good memories, after that time I moved out to my current house where I have been here since 2010.  I spend all my education from primary to high sc