My future Job


I don't know exactly what my future job would be, but I'm hoping it will be something related with what I'm currently studying, architecture. It will be really nice if the job I'm applying in the future would have most of the work hours in the outside, however one thing I enjoy very much doing today, and which doesn't have very much to do in the outside, is working on digital representation of different kind of projects. I would really like to work in an archtecture office and have at least some part of my job doing digital images and finding ways to represent the porjects I will be working on my future job. Despite the fact of being a task that takes most of the time working in front of a computer indoors it will be nice to travel and having as a background different places and cultures  that will help me for refferences to design and make the projects I'll work on. 

About the salary, I really don't think about an exact number, but even so hoping that would be high enough to maintain myself and having my own place to live. To conclude if this idea of future job doesn't come true for any reason I will really like to study and investigate about the technology of materials and innovate in design in construction to replace the conventional methods of construction and traditional materials, which nowdays are affecting the enviroment in a very massive scale.


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