Changes to my study programme

Before I entered to study architecture I studied two years civil construction in another university in which I learned differente kind of things related to construction, planning projects, urban rules, technology of materials, among other subjects that I think would be really positive to have notions about to improve the professional life as an architect. During this three years studying architecture I will say I still have problems deciding about which materials I would use for a specific kind of project I'm working on. So it will be nice to have one subject that teach you about all the options you have in terms of materials and which is more indicated to build and design a particular kind of structure, which is the most economic or the most environmental friendly. Another thing that would be very useful would be a subject that teach only about digital programs to help develop future projects and its representation. Since from the second year you start to work only through digital programs and most of the information and all about the program you have to learn that by yourself.
Writing about the time we spend studying I think all the careers here in Chile take too much time studying a profesional career, so it will be nice if somehow the student could introduce themselves, in a different scale, to their profesional environment a few years before they graduate so they can be prepared in a better way for what is ahead of them. 
Related to the university in specific I think the lack of spaces to work in is one the things I would improve in, such as having room of study or a computer room in case you don't have one to work with.  


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